Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Concept Board # 1- Living Room

Okay, so part of the process of designing is putting together concept boards that will showcase ideas.  This is helpful because it basically puts it all on one page for you to look at.  Remember in high school, when we had to make brainstorming bubbles (I don't remember what they are actually called ) ??  We would choose a word and then draw lines from the word and write down what we thought of.  Well this is sort of like that.  This is a compilation of some things I already have and things I have seen that might go well in the space.  I know it will take a few of these to actually get it right, but it's all part of the process.   What do you think?  Suggestions always welcomed!


  1. I love it! I need to do that for my bedroom and duvet cover! :)

  2. Um...BEAUTIFUL!!!!! LOVE that table!
