Tuesday, April 12, 2011

LIVING ROOM: Before and After

Sorry it has taken me so long to post some after pictures.  Things are slowly coming together, and I am finaly done (I think) with the living room! 

Everything is a mix of new, old and free... 

Here is the breakdown:

Paint: Lowes- $150  Color-Water Chestnut by Glidden (color matched to use Valspar paint and primer in one)

Vintage Lamps: FREE and very old-  Brian's grandparents had them in their trailer for about 30 years!  When they were moving and needed to get rid of everything, guess who jumped on those!? ME!

Lampshades: Target- $30

Coffee Table: FREE - Thanks to Book Club, I was leaving one night and there it was, just sitting on the curb waiting to get trashed, with the help of Justin, it is gracing our living room. :)

Couches: Craigslist- $80- Originally from IKEA.  Black Slip Cover: Ikea- $50.  Total: $130.00

Lovely Chair: Target- $150

Area Rug: Ikea- $149

Curtains: Target- $20  Curtain Rod: Target: $13

Mirror: Ikea- $79

Side Tables: Ikea-$20

Clock: Taget- $20

Green Pillows: Pier One- $14

Fuchsia Pillows: Home Goods- $34

Black Secretary: Ikea- $170

GORGEOUS centerpiece: FREE- A gift from my beautiful sister Luiza! (isn't she creative??)

TOTAL: $959,  That's better than Design on a Dime! :)

Okay so here are some pictures....





Ofcourse, none of this would of been possible with out AMAZING friends that helped with the labor and the wonderful gifts I recieved from many people!

Stay Tuned for more rooms to come! :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011


So we are all moved in to our new home! We love all the space we have.  Last weekend we had A LOT of help painting, cleaning and moving.  Thanks to everyone who was involved...we could not have done it with out you. 

I have been having a blast shopping,shopping, shopping! We have done a lot to the house and still have a lot more to do.  It has definitely worn me out both emotionally and physically.  BUT, its fun none the less and I am excited to show to the progress.

For today though, I am just going to show you some before pics. :)  Sorry, there has to be some suspense or else why would you read my blog right? 

They are all a little out of order...but you get the idea.

Backyard Before

Basement Before

Living Room Before

Deck Before

Basement Bathroom Before

Kitchen Before

Master Bedroom Before

Upstairs Bathroom Before

Front of House Before

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Concept Board # 1- Living Room

Okay, so part of the process of designing is putting together concept boards that will showcase ideas.  This is helpful because it basically puts it all on one page for you to look at.  Remember in high school, when we had to make brainstorming bubbles (I don't remember what they are actually called ) ??  We would choose a word and then draw lines from the word and write down what we thought of.  Well this is sort of like that.  This is a compilation of some things I already have and things I have seen that might go well in the space.  I know it will take a few of these to actually get it right, but it's all part of the process.   What do you think?  Suggestions always welcomed!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Paint Colors

SO far, I have picked paint colors for the living room, kitchen and dining room area and our bedroom.  These are first choices.

LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM and KITCHEN: Grant Beige by Benjamin Moore

OUR BEDROOM : Dolphin Fin by Behr

Still not sure about bathroom colors or basement.  Also, we will have to see what it looks like on the wall first. But, it's a start!


Brian and I just bought our FIRST home! It has some great, and some not so great things about it.  We love the floors on the first floor already, and the updated kitchen.  The rest, well...just not my style. BUT, that's the fun part! We are excited to make it ours by adding our style.  Slowly, we will transform it into our dream home.  Follow us during our journey! It should be exciting, to say the least...:)